================ Wire aggregation ================ This page contains all the documentation for the video tutorial explaining wires aggregation for a merchant and how they can be affected by your payment deadlines. +++++ Video +++++ The video is not yet available for this tutorial. +++++++++++ Information +++++++++++ If you are not familiar with order refunds, you should watch the :ref:`Taler merchant refunding orders ` tutorial. ++++++++++++ Requirements ++++++++++++ Required for this tutorial series: * | A Taler merchant backend | If you need help using the merchant backend for the first time, you can watch the :ref:`Taler merchant introduction ` tutorial. * | A Taler wallet instance | Setup instructions are available on https://wallet.taler.net. * | A REST API management software or relevant programming skills | In this video series, we are going to use the Insomnia free software, available for download at https://insomnia.rest. +++++++++++++++++++ Demo backend notice +++++++++++++++++++ You can use your own merchant backend service or the online demonstration service at https://backend.demo.taler.net for this tutorial. ++++++++++++++ More tutorials ++++++++++++++ To view additional tutorials, you can browse this site or head to https://docs.taler.net to get the latest documentation about the Taler services.